If you would, turn with me in your Bibles to the book of
Matthew chapter twenty-five. Matthew chapter twenty-five.
When you reach the book of Matthew chapter twenty-five,
please signify by saying amen. Where are my intercessors at
tonight? Alright. Hallelujah, Jesus. Look at your Bible in
verse eight of chapter twenty-five.
8. And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for
our lamps are gone out.
9. But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest there be not
enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that sell, and
buy for yourselves.
10. And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and
they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the
door was shut.
11. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord,
Lord, open to us.
12. But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know
you not.
13. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour
wherein the Son of man cometh.
Let us pray.
Most holy and gracious heavenly Father, we thank You for
who You are and for what You do. Dear Lord, hide Your
servant behind the cross, that Your people would see You and
not me. Dear Lord, as I decrease I ask that You would
increase. Let the words of my mouth, the meditation of my
heart be acceptable in Thy sight, oh Lord, my strength and my
Redeemer. In Jesus’ Name.
And the people of God said amen. You may be seated in the
house of God tonight.
Jesus said in verse thirteen,
13. Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour
wherein the Son of man cometh.
We have ministered before about time. But God has placed it
in my spirit again to minister also again about time. You see,
time is in God’s hands.
And when we define what time is, it’s a period during which
and action and a process or condition exists or continues. It’s
a point or period of when something occurs.
You see, they that were the foolish virgins did not have a
concept of time. You see, in their mind they were going
according to what the natural was saying. But when you deal
with time, when you a spiritual person, you got to deal with
what the Spirit is saying. I got to get into the time and into
the flow of what the Spirit of God is doing.
And nothing knows the Spirit of God (glory to God), the mind
of God, but the Spirit of God. So I’ve got to get into the flow
of the Spirit of God, that I would know the time in the mind
of God.
They were foolish. You see, Jesus hadn’t come yet. So they
were about themselves doing what they thought they needed
to do. They were doing what they wanted to do.
But when Jesus finally came, their concept of time was off.
Timing is everything. In war, attacking at the wrong moment
will cost you the very battle.
Even in the body of Christ we are in a war. But if we try to
attack the devil at the wrong time (my God, my God), it can
cost us the very battle.
Of all the things in which timing is important, timing in our
decision making process is the most crucial.
You see, these virgins didn’t realize that their decision
process and their timing was running together. But (glory to
God) they missed out on what God had for them, because they
were too late. Come on. Talk to me tonight.
You see, when you’re dealing with God, you can’t put Him
second. And you can’t put Him third. And you can’t put Him
forth. And you definitely can’t put Him last.
You see, there may be something that God has for you at an
appropriated time. Yes. A righteous man’s footsteps are
ordered of the Lord. But a righteous man can be late also.
Timing is everything. We make time for what we want to
make time. I need to say this loud and clear. We make time
for what we want to make time for.
And let me tell you something. God gave me this message
today. So if you late or whatever, it’s talking to you, and it’s
talking to everybody else. Because He already knew.
Timing is everything. You can miss out on what God has for
you by constantly being late. It’s the mercy and it’s the grace
of God that He continues to bless us anyhow. It’s by His
Because if we were in the situation, and we were saying,
“Lord, let me in,” based on what happened in the past, in our
minds we’ll think He’s going to let us in, don’t we? Oh, you
don’t hear what I’m saying.
But He was saying to them, “You’re too late.” He said, “I
gave you all that you needed. I gave you the oil. I’ve given
you the lamp. All I ask that you be on time waiting for Me,
and not Me waiting for you.” You better listen to what I’m
God waits on us. He waits on us. He waits on us. And in our
minds we think that the warfare that we’re going through is
that we’re waiting on God. But God is waiting on us. What
is He waiting on us to do? To do what we know to do, and to
do what we’re supposed to do.
Timing. Now see, if you don’t ever plan on being a leader in
the house of God, see, you may think this message is not for
you. But see, if God promised you something, this message is
for you too. Because you can be at the wrong place at the
wrong time. The wrong place at the wrong time. Or even the
right place at the wrong time.
One of the primary reasons that believers step out of God’s
will and out of fellowship with the Lord is that they make
wrong decisions. Because they do not know God’s timing.
He said, “Those that seek Me,” what? “Early are the ones that
are going to find Me, and what I’m doing, and when I’m
going to do it.”
Because those that seek Him early are the ones that get into
the flow. Those are the ones that get into the Spirit of God.
And they receive the instructions from the Lord.
You can’t tell me (glory to God) at eleven o’clock, if you’re
finally saying, “Glory to God. Hallelujah,” that you done
found Him. God was waiting on you way back here. He was
They came back. But Jesus had already come. Somebody
needs to hear this. The ones that were wise, He said, “Come
on in.” But the ones that were foolish, He said, “I don’t even
know you. You had something else to do. So go back and do
Timing in the Spirit is so important. We’ve got to allow the
Word of God to sift everything through. We must know His
will. But we’ve got to know His timing. We must know His
purpose. But we’ve got to know His timing. We must know
His plan. But we’ve got to know His timing. Timing.
Many things we have missed out on because we stepped out
on it too late. Many doors that should have been ours,
somebody else has fulfilled the position, because we were too
late. Timing in the Spirit.
You may know what you want to do. But you have got to
wait on clear directions. Clear directions. When it’s God,
you may have some friction and opposition. But no matter
what there will be positive results. There will be friction. But
there will be positive results when you move in God’s timing.
Do you hear what I’m saying to you tonight? I am saying
this. Don’t be so laxidazical about God. Don’t be so
laxidazical about the move of God. Don’t have an excuse all
the time about what God is doing and about what you are
doing. Don’t have it.
It’s like the military, isn’t it? Your first sergeant don’t want
to hear your excuse. So why we want God to hear our
excuse? Oh, you don’t want to talk to me tonight.
Timing is everything. Waiting on the Lord. It doesn’t mean
that I’m not doing anything. But waiting on the Lord simply
means that I’m pausing until I receive further instructions.
Pausing. And in my pausing and receiving further
instructions, it means (glory to God) that I am in a position of
prayer. I’m in a position of being in my Word. I’m in a
position of seeking the Lord.
You see, the Bible says seek the Lord. When you seek
something, that means you to do it over and over and over
again. You haven’t found Him. Paul said, “Not as though I
have attained.” But you do it over and over and over again.
You don’t just do it a couple of times. But you practice it.
You make it a practice. Seeking the Lord has got to be a
practice in your life. It’s got to be a practice all the time.
And just because you’re practicing seeking Him does not
mean it has become a ritual. Because seeking the Lord should
bring us joy. It should not be a grievous things to seek the
Lord. It should not be a grievous thing to put this flesh under
subjection and say, “Flesh, get down. I got to seek my God.”
Oh, I’m talking to you tonight.
Timing is so, so important. During this time of waiting, my
decision should be not to do anything. I should not be rushed
to do anything without receiving instruction.
You may have a very important need in your life. But if God
hasn’t spoken to you about it yet, I wouldn’t take a foot
forward yet. If He hasn’t told you to move, I’m going to
stand in prayer until God says, “Okay. Go forward.” Until I
have peace about it... The Bible said you shall be lead forth
by peace. If I don’t have peace about it, I’m not going to
move. I don’t care what mama, brother, sister, brother... Oh,
you don’t hear me tonight. I’m not going to move until Jesus
tells me to move.
Even though I’m a man of God and I’m a prophet, and I may
have a word for you, I’m not going to speak it until He tells
me to speak it. Because even in the Spirit realm when you’re
dealing with the gifts of the Spirit, you’ve got to move in
accuracy of timing. The Bible says, “A word in season, how
good it is.” But you give a word out of season; you’ll destroy
Timing, it’s so important. In the Spirit, in the Spirit it’s so
Psalms twenty-seven and verse fourteen. It said, “Wait for
the Lord. Be strong and let your heart take courage. Yes,
wait for the Lord.”
In Psalm thirty-seven, verse four through verse seven, it says,
“Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the
desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord. Trust
also in Him, and He will bring it to pass.” He will bring it to
“He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your
judgment as the noon day. Rest in the Lord and wait patiently
for Him.”
Timing. I keep saying it over and over.
I heard T. D. Jakes preach a message. And he was talking
about self. And he was talking about Sarah in the midst of it.
And all through his message, all he kept saying was self, self,
self, self.
And tonight I’m trying to birth something in you. I got to get
you pregnant first, so that you can... Oh, my God. So that
you can give birth. I’m trying to get you to get pregnant with
timing tonight. Oh, Jesus.
See, you’ll get mad at this if you are fleshly person. But if
you’re ready to move into the spiritual things, you’ll wrap
yourself in it and say, “Lord, feed me until I want no more.”
Timing is so important. So important. You will miss your
blessing because you weren’t there. And your name was
called. And they looked around for you and couldn’t find you
nowhere. And by the time you got there, sister so and so had
what you were supposed to have. And in your spirit you
knew you were supposed to have it. But now they done got it.
And now I’m mad. And now I can’t stand them. Oh, I feel
the Holy Ghost moving over me.
If we miss our timing, God will move over us. And He’ll
give it to somebody else. And that thing that you longed for,
that thing that you asked God for, that thing that you had been
waiting for... You could just taste it. It done passed you by.
And you can sense it in your spirit. And now you feel lost,
and you don’t know what to do. It’s time to seek the Lord all
over again.
Where are we in our timing? The Bible said the Word of the
Lord was scarce, in First Samuel. The Bible said in Amos
that there was a famine for hearing the Word of the Lord.
And now days God has given the Word freely. You can turn
on your TV in the morning, and just about any station you
turn to, from six o’clock, five o’clock, you can find a man or
woman of God speaking the Word across the airways. But
what happens is, we get so full. And we have such a choice
on our menu (glory to God) that we begin to get spoiled.
It’s like my children when I tell them I’m going to take them
to MacDonald’s. But they don’t want MacDonald’s. They
want Burger King. So now I’m in the MacDonald’s drive
through. And now they sitting there all pouting. But I’m like,
“Wait a minute. You don’t understand. You don’t have to
have this.” My God. Who am I preaching to tonight?
Timing is everything. Everything. Let me tell you
something. I know that I’m a jack of all trades. I can do just
about anything. Teach it to me a couple of times, and bam, I
got it.
But this is what I want. And where your heart is, where your
treasure is, that’s where your heart is going to be. Oh, I need
to say that again. This is what I want. It’s not that I couldn’t,
if God said, “Okay, you ain’t going to preach no more.” It’s
not that I couldn’t go out and get me another job and make me
some money. It ain’t that.
This is what I want. And where my treasure is, that’s where
my heart is going to be. And that’s where I’m going to have
my most time. I guarantee you that’s where I’m going to
spend most of my time, in that thing that I want.
But if you don’t really want this, then it don’t matter about
time to you. Do you hear me tonight?
Many of you have said, “I want it. I want it. I want it.” But
you’re not proving to God that you really want it. All it is is a
bunch of talk. A bunch of talk.
I want the Anointing. I want it bad. But if you want it, you
got to spend some time.
And see, a lot of us when we get it, we begin to take it for
granted. Oh, my God. We begin to take it for granted then,
because we got it. See, once the Anointing is on you, the
Bible says the gifts and the callings of God are without
So just because we get up here... I can get up here, and I ain’t
even looked at my, our Bible. And I guarantee you the
Anointing will come on me. I can get down there, and I can
wave my hands for a little while. And the Anointing will
come on me to minister to every one of you. Because the
gifts and the callings of God are without repentance. It’s
there. Once I got it, I got it.
But see, once we get it, we don’t think we got to spend time
no more. We’ve got to spend more time. We’ve got to be n
the right place at the right time. We’ve got to hear the right
word at the right time. We’ve got to be among the right
people at the right time. You’ve got to be. And if you have
spent time with God, you will hear His voice.
My wife used to tell me when she didn’t know how to go
somewhere, she would get home and say, “I didn’t know
where I was going. And God told me to turn here. He told
me to turn there. And He told me to turn there. And next
thing you know, I was right there.”
Why? Because there was some timing. And you can hear His
voice. When you spend time with somebody you know their
voice, and you can receive the instruction that you need. He
said, “My sheep know My voice, and the voice of a stranger
they’re not going to follow.”
But see, it’s when you don’t spend any time. You’ll have all
these other voices trying to talk to you. And you’ll be trying
to figure out, “Which one are You, God? I thought that was
You. No, is that You?” You’ll be all confused and tangled
up when you don’t have the concept of time.
Psalm sixty-two tells us to be silent in our waiting. You see, a
lot of times we want to do too much talking. But see,
communication with God means that not only are you
communicating, but He is communicating to you.
God wants to talk to you. Look at your neighbor and say,
“God wants to talk to me.” It’s not a one-way street. It’s not.
He wants to talk to you. But in order for somebody to talk to
you, you got to spend time. You’ve got to spend time.
Isaiah forty verse twenty-nine through verse thirty-one tells us
that they that wait upon the Lord... See, you going to get
strength when you wait on Him. See, God is going to begin
to raise you up and elevate you when you wait on Him. See,
though the enemy try to come in like a flood the Spirit of God
will lift up a standard against him, when you wait on Him.
Timing. Timing. You want to know why when I come down
here after I preach I wait and I say, “Let’s sing this song. And
let’s wave our hands”? I’m waiting on God’s timing. I’m
waiting on God to speak to me and say, “Go ahead and
minister.” I’m not trying to step out in my own, but I’m
trying to step out in Him. In His timing. In His timing. In
His timing. Glory to God.
When you wait on God, it’s a personal thing. And it demands
patience. Why don’t we like to wait? Number one, it implies
that someone else is in control. Uh oh. Number two, waiting
demands of me. I must be sensitive to Him. I must trust Him.
And I must be obedient to Him. It brings me to a place of
submission, of submission. It brings me to a place where I
have surrendered my will to Him, when I wait on Him.
Timing. There is something that you’re waiting for God to
move in. But if you spend time with Him, He’ll say, “Okay,
now do it. Do it now. You weren’t ready before, but now do
it.” And then you’ll begin to see the fruit of what you been
waiting for, if you move in His timing.
Saints of God, it’s a shame that they even have something
called CP time. We know what that is right? Oh, you don’t
know. Colored people time. Because got a reputation that if
you’re of this persuasion, you can wait a little while longer.
They’ll be here after while.
There’s a reputation in the black community that we don’t
have a concept of time. And that is something that we need to
break. We need to break that. We need to break that.
If you know that you got a meeting to attend, be on time. Be
early. Be waiting on everybody else to get there. And be
bold and say, “I was waiting on you.”
Time. Psalm twenty-five, verse one through verse three.
Let’s go there for just a moment. We’re almost finished
tonight. Glory to God. We need this thing. I tell you.
It says,
1. Unto thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul.
2. O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not
mine enemies triumph over me.
3. Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: let them be
ashamed which transgress without cause.
In other words he was saying, “Let nobody that waits on You
be ashamed.”
See, if you waiting on God, even though it seems like, “Uh
oh. I didn’t make it when I should have been there.” But
God, I was in a place of fasting. And I was praying. And you
know, I thought, you know...” God will make a way for you.
He’ll make a way for you. But it’s when you were about your
business that you had to suffer the consequences.
And sometimes His mercy will even kick in, say, “You could
have been there.” But He say, “I’m going to have mercy on
you this time. Come on in.” But it wasn’t like that with the
foolish virgins. He said, “It’s too late. Too late.”
Why does God require us to wait at times? He wants us to
refocus our attention from the desire that we have to back on
Him. I’m going to say it again. He wants us to refocus our
attention from the desires that we have to back on Him.
See, that desire can consume you. And I guarantee you there
are those of you that are sitting in here right now that have a
desire. And even while you’re sitting here, instead of your
mind being on God, your mind is on something else that you
really desire.
But God sees the heart. And you can lift up your hands all
night long, but your heart can be far from Him. He wants us
to adjust our motive. Look at your neighbor and say, “I’m
going to adjust my motive.” You see, sometimes we got to
wait because our motive isn’t right. See. See, if we wait, He
has time to allow the Holy Spirit to deal with us, to deal with
our motive.
Okay. What is your motive for what you want and what you
desire? What is your motive behind it? Is it that you felt like
you were nothing before, but now you feel like this is going to
make you something among a crowd? Oh, you don’t want to
talk to me. I hear it because I felt it.
He’ll make you check your motive, to remind us that He is in
control, and also the need to deal with sin that’s still in our
See, I would rather for God to make me wait if I’m not ready
for that thing yet. I want Him to make me wait for it. See,
because I’ll wind up getting in that thing. And that very thing
that was a blessing will become a curse. I rather wait. Say,
“Now, Lord, is this the right timing?”
Lord say, “Okay. Go forth and do it.”
Now I done waited all this time. And we done spent time in
prayer. And I done hear God say wait. And now God say go
forth. And now I’m saying, “Is that You, God?” Uh, uh. Go
on and step out there then, and receive your blessing.
Timing is everything. Even in healing timing is everything.
The disciples asked Jesus about the man that needed healing.
They said, “Who sinned?” Jesus said... They said, “Was it
the mother or the father?”
Jesus said, “Neither one. It was that you could be here, and
that the Father could get glory.”
You see, even your healing can be by timing. You see, you
can be lame in your body so that God can get glory. You
don’t want to talk to me. You lame in your body so God can
get some glory. He ain’t saying He ain’t going to heal you.
But He got an appointed time that He is going to heal you.
Timing. I feel it being birthed in somebody tonight. We’re
talking about timing. What should we expect? He will be
good to us. He will answer us. And we will see the fruit of
our faith.
If you are waiting for God to do something, if you’re waiting
for the right time, in your waiting stay on your face. Stay
with your hands in praise and in worship.
See, because if you’re waiting on something but you’re not
waiting in faith, it’s going to show all over you. See, because
those hands used to be high, and now they down here. That
smile used to be this wide, and now you can’t even see it no
But when somebody asks what’s going on, we’ll say, “I’m
waiting on God.” How are you waiting?
I’m waiting in praise. I’m waiting in prayer. I’m waiting in
fasting. And I have not changed one bit. My shout is still the
same. My dance is still the same. It’s still the same. And as
a matter of fact, it has gone to another level.
Timing. See, when I get a message from the Lord I know it.
Because what it will do at first, it will make people
uncomfortable. But then by the time I get to the end, you’ll
be alright. It done worked your bowels a little bit. Now you
can go to the bathroom.
Timing is everything. See, you got to get a little humor out
there to loosen you up some.
You may be waiting on God to do something. But how are
you waiting? How are you waiting?
I’m waiting on the Lord to do so many things. But I got a
praise in my mouth. And when I came in this church this
afternoon, and I lifted up my...
And I couldn’t wait to get on my face for a little while.
Because I’m waiting in prayer. And I’m waiting with a
praise. How have you been waiting? You can’t fool God.
How have you been waiting? How?
Be honest with yourself. If you been kicking and slobbering
and murmuring and complaining, you need to be honest with
God about it. Say, “God, I been waiting on you. But I
haven’t been waiting right. I haven’t been in the right
position. But God, I’m ready to get in the right position. I’m
ready, Lord, to change. I’m ready to make a change, Jesus.
I’m ready to make a change.”
That’s what I’m... I’m ready, Lord to make a change. And no
matter how long I got to wait, my praise is going to go higher
and higher. My worship is going to be even more heartfelt.
And my communication with You is going to be so intense
that the person next to me will hear You talking to me. Oh,
you don’t want to hear me tonight. That’s what I’m talking
about. When God can be talking to you, that the person next
to you can hear what God said to you. Now I know that’s
You better give God a handclap of praise tonight.