If you would open your Bibles with me to the book of
Genesis. Genesis chapter one. In Genesis chapter one and
verse one, it said,
1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
And in verse twenty-six, if you would.
26. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our
likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea,
and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all
the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon
the earth.
27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of
God created he him; male and female created he them.
Let us pray this morning.
Most holy and gracious heavenly Father, as I stand before
Your people today, hide Your son behind the cross, that Your
people would see You and not me. And as I decrease, Master,
I ask that You would increase. Let the words of my mouth
and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, oh
Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
When God created man in His image, after His own likeness,
not only did He give man this, but He gave man a powerful
position in the earth. And not only did He give man a
powerful position in the earth. He gave man an awesome
portion in the earth.
He said, “Let man have dominion over everything.” He said,
“Let man have control over everything.” He said, “Let man
rule over everything. God gave us a powerful position and a
powerful portion (glory to God) in the earth.
But when man sinned in Genesis three and verse six, Satan
had a right to our position. And not only did Satan have a
right to our position. Satan had a right to our portion.
When we look at the body of Christ today, many of us don’t
understand that we have a position, and not only a position.
We have been given a portion in God. But we still have not
claimed our position. And we still have not claimed our
portion. Oh, you don’t hear me today.
We walk around as though Satan still has dominion over us.
But when we look in Ephesians two and six, God raised us up
and has caused us to sit together in heavenly places in Christ.
I don’t know about you, but I’m taking my position. And I’m
taking my portion back, in the Name of Jesus.
When we look at the word “position,” it means the rank that
someone has in a society or in an organization. When we look
at that word “portion,” it means what belongs to somebody. I
don’t know about you, but I got a rank in the body of Christ.
When Jesus died on Calvary and His blood was shed for me,
He gave me a rank in the body of Christ. Not only did He
give me a rank, but he restored everything that the
cankerwork, the palmerworm, the locust tried to... Oh, you
don’t hear me today. Who am I preaching to today? Oh, I
feel the Holy Ghost.
My position that I have in Christ, it shall not be taken from
me. My portion that I have in Christ, it shall not be taken
from me. I’m going to have all that He promised that I’m
going to have. Where are my intercessors in this house
When we look at Isaiah chapter fourteen, Satan tried to pull
that same stunt with God. Oh, you don’t hear me. In chapter
fourteen, verse twelve through fifteen, Satan desired to exalt
himself. In other words, Satan wanted God’s position. He
looked at his portion. He said, “My portion is not enough.”
But then when he was kicked out of heaven, he said, “I’m
going to get that thing that’s closest to God.” So he used
trickery to steal what did not belong to him.
If you don’t watch it, the devil’s going to try to take your
mind. He’s going to try to use trickery against you, and tell
you that you’ll never have nothing; you’ll never be nothing.
But when I get the wisdom of God... Oh, you don’t hear me
today. When I ask Him for the wisdom that’s easily to be
entreated for, it gives me an understanding of who I am, and
what ultimately belongs to me.
We need to stop sitting back. We need to stop looking back.
And we need to press forward into the things that He has
promised us.
If he pulled that stunt with God, you know he’ll pull that stunt
with you. I don’t have time to have an attitude. I don’t have
time to have a pity... You don’t hear me today.
The weapons of my warfare are not carnal, but mighty
through God. I don’t know about you, but I’m pulling down
the strongholds, casting down imaginations, every high thing
that tries to exalt itself against the knowledge of God. And
I’m bringing into captivity every thought, to the obedience of
He’s trying to steal. It’s one thing to steal it. But it’s another
thing to let him keep it. I need to say that again, because you
don’t hear me. It’s one thing for him to try to steal it. But it’s
another thing for us as a body to let him keep it.
There’s a powerful revelation. You see, my position comes
with an awesome portion.
When we look at Esau and Jacob in Genesis chapter twenty-five, Esau was in a position that he didn’t understand.
You see, if you’re in a position that you don’t understand...
You need to hear this today. When the lightest and the
slightest affliction starts to come your way, you give up
what’s rightly yours.
The Bible said that when Esau came back, he was hungry,
even unto being faint, unto almost to death he felt. And Jacob
used trickery to gain the advantage over his brother.
If you don’t watch it, that old slew-footed devil is going to
use trickery. And he’s liable to come through your... You
don’t hear me.
In Genesis twenty-five and verse twenty-nine, it said, “And
Jacob sod pottage. And Esau came from the field. And he
was faint. And Esau said to Jacob, ‘Feed me, I pray thee.’”
How many of us have asked our brothers and sisters to feed
us, I pray thee?
“...with that same red pottage, for I am faint. Therefore was
his name called Edom. And Jacob said, ‘Sell me this day thy
You see, his position came with an awesome portion. But he
didn’t understand his position; therefore he didn’t understand
what belonged to him.
If you don’t under... You need to hear this today. If you
don’t understand your position, you’re constantly going to be
stolen from.
He said, “Give me your birthright.” What did it mean for him
to have his birthright? It meant that all the blessings that went
with the firstborn was going to be transferred to him.
How many of you know that we’re the... You don’t hear me
today. I don’t know about you, but I’m the firstborn. And
what belongs to me belongs to me. And no devil in hell going
to trick me. I don’t care what I’m going through. I don’t care
what the situation. I don’t care what the circumstance. Oh,
you don’t hear me today. Who am I preaching to in this
That portion that was rightfully his was taken from him.
Do you know what belongs to you? If you know what
belongs to you, how come you’re not seeking to get it back?
You see, if I know if the burglar’s coming, I’m going to do all
I need to do to protect what’s mine. Every now and then
burglar bars won’t do it. Every now and then ADT can’t do
But He give those angels charge over me to keep me in all of
my ways, lest I... Oh, you don’t hear me. ...lest I dash my
foot against a stone. I need divine protection over me and
what belongs to me.
You can’t protect what’s yours in the natural. You’ve got to
get into the Spirit.
Your position... Oh, I feel the Holy Ghost all up in this house
today. Your position is so valuable. Now listen at what I
said. I said your position, but not your title. You don’t hear
me. It’s not wrapped up in a title. It’s not rapped up in
apostle. It’s not wrapped up in prophet. It’s not wrapped up
in evangelist. It’s not wrapped up... Oh, you don’t hear me
What’s mine is mine. You need to get mad at the devil.
He didn’t understand what he had. Just like Adam, he didn’t
understand what he had. He had ruling control over the fish
of the sea, over the fowl of the air. God gave him dominion
over everything. He didn’t understand.
The Bible says with all of your getting, get understanding. If
I don’t understand what I have, I’m going to give it away. I
begin to cast my pearls before... Oh, you don’t...
He said, “Give me. Give me your birthright.”
Esau said in verse thirty two, “I am at the point to die. And
what profit shall this birthright to do me?” He must not have
known that God could take care of him.
You see, we’ve moved too many times based on the situation
at hand. Oh, I feel Jesus. We allow our conditions and our
circumstance to dictate that minute, that second, that hour that
I’m in. But we don’t look at the big picture like God looks at
the big picture. We want satisfaction right now. But if I got
to suffer a little while, let me suffer. If I suffer with Him, I’ll
reign with him.
He said, “What profit?” And he used a very important
word–profit. He didn’t realize that there were dollars signs
behind his position. He didn’t realize that there was wealth
that went along with his position.
When He raised you up into heavenly places to be seated with
Christ Jesus, that meant that not only do I have dominion in
the natural, but I got dominion in the Spirit. Oh, you don’t
hear me today. I’m taking what’s mine in the Spirit. And I’m
taking what’s mine in the natural.
My position. My position. Look at your neighbor and say,
“My position.”
And understanding, it goes such a long way. Understand this,
that I have not been called to your position. Understand that
you have not been called to my position. I have ownership of
me and everything that concerns me.
Too many times in the body of Christ we want somebody
else’s portion, but we don’t know all the trials and tribulations
that go on with their position.
I don’t want your position. I want my portion. I want my
position. And if God wants to give me more, let Him give me
more. But I ain’t seeking no more, because God is enough for
me. And what He’s given me is more than enough.
My portion is enough for me. You need to say that, not to
somebody else, but to yourself. What He has for me is more
than enough for me. What He has for me is not lacking
With your position comes an awesome, awesome portion.
When we look at the book of Philippians chapter one... Are
you blessed today? Philippians chapter one and verse six.
And this is a Scripture that we say a lot, because it means a
It said, “Being confident of this very thing, that He which
hath begun a good work in you will perform it unto the day of
Jesus Christ.”
When we look at the Philippians here, the reason why Paul
was saying this to these Christians at the church of Philippi,
some of them were at odds. And they were hindering the
work in proclaiming the new life in Christ. He was saying to
them, “If God started it, then He’s going to finish it.”
You see, what happens to us when we’re in a dilemma, we
start to look at everybody else’s portion. And we start
hindering the move and the work of God, because we’re not
They were hindering the work, because of some warfare that
was going on. You see, you can’t allow your warfare to
hinder the work. I need to say that again. You can’t allow
your warfare to hinder the work. I feel the Holy Ghost. I
need to say that one more time. We cannot allow our warfare
to hinder the work. The work still must be done.
And if He started that good work, everything that goes along
with that good work is still on the way. You may be delayed,
but you won’t be denied.
Understand your position. Let Him deal with you right where
you are. Stop wanting Him to deal with somebody else. Let
Him deal with you. Hello, somebody. You’re going through
that because He’s trying to deal with you too. You think He’s
just trying to deal with them. But He’s still dealing with you.
Oh, you don’t want to hear that.
My portion belongs to me. But I got to understand my
position to keep it.
I don’t want this to be a word that just went in your ear and
out the other when you leave the church. You have got to
understand who you are. We’re a royal priesthood, a holy
nation, kings and priests in Christ Jesus.
Valuable positions. Valuable positions.
Stop belittling yourself. You can walk in confidence without
walking in arrogance. And if someone takes your confidence
for arrogance, shame on them. Because they don’t understand
who they are.
Your position is so vital. Everything that goes along with you
as an individual, He has already provided for and accounted
for. It’s already there. But you got to know it’s there. You
may not have a dime in the bank. But you’re already a
millionaire. Your body may be racking in pain, but you’re
already healed.
My position gives me these rights. But I have got to have the
gumption about me to be able to stand up for myself. This
morning understand who you are. Understand who you are.
Understand who He has called you to be.
As Dr. Jakes would say, you are an original. There is nobody
else like you. They can try to be like you all they want to try
to be like you, but there’s nobody else like you. Your
fingerprints are like nobody else’s.
And with the blueprints that made up you, as a spiritual
house, all that needs to be in that house to decorate that house,
to make that house smell good, has already been provided.
Your position is so valuable, that we have got to take time out
to find out who we really are, not just to say it, but to know it
in the heart. And what belongs to you belongs to you.
Your position. Lord, help us, Jesus. If He said you get saved
and He’ll save your whole household, that’s your portion. If
He promised it, then you got to hold out until He performs it.
Whatever He promised, and at this time it’s a need in your
life, you need to find you a Scripture, and you need to stand
on it. It’s your portion. It’s your portion.